What People Learn from Corona & what Secrets are Hidden?


What People Learn from Corona & what Secrets are Hidden?

After appearing for more than eight months and being infected by more than 8,663,270 people worldwide, it has claimed more than 460,012 lives, and the number is increasing alarmingly every minute. What! Has humanity learned from the Corona epidemic, and is there any hope of getting rid of it?

What People Learn from Corona & what Secrets are Hidden?
What Secrets are Hidden?


  • Why did our prayers to God to stop this deadly epidemic not be answered?
  • Does the Holy Eucharist cleanse, heal, revive and strengthen?
  • Or is it a corona carrier, so we see priests and monks putting muzzles and paws and offering the holy Eucharist by hand, not by mouth?
  • Did people really repent and return to God?
  • Or have people become more corrupt and evil?
  • Are the divided, far-flung, warring churches back and united?
  • Did the family return to meet every night and pray with unity, love, and love?
  • Have corrupt leaders returned their corruption and returned billions of money looted from the sweat and fatigue of these poor people?
  • Has peace spread to all the countries of the world? And you disarmed all the deadly nuclear weapons?
  • Has persecution, the fight against the Church, and the killing of its children stopped everywhere, especially in Muslim countries? What People Learn from Corona


What’s Next for Coronavirus?

  • Do you increase the diseases, diseases, disasters, rebellion of nature, wars, terrorism, persecutions, and problems?
  • Is man working to fix himself and his corrupt behaviors that destroyed everything?
  • Or will it increase corruption and evil until it eliminates the rest?

There are hundreds and thousands of more questions about the disasters and evils that are coming to humanity in the years and years to come.

These simple words from the Bible are the only remaining hope that humanity will survive the horrors to come!!!


Return to me, and I will return to you!

Therefore, tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 1:3)


More Spiritual Reflections

What People Learn from Corona & what Secrets are Hidden?


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