Christian Novenas
Novena to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
Novena to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus A Prayer Recited Every Day Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your…
Saint Maroun Novena Prayer
Saint Maroun Novena Prayer The lights of Saint Maroun shone on the mountains of Cyrus in northern Syria, guiding souls to the truth when heresies were wreaking havoc in those…
Our Lady of Salvation Novena to Solve Problems
Our Lady of Salvation Novena to Solve Problems OPENING PRAYER Heavenly Father, with heads, bowed in humility and in prayer/ prostrated on your knees in adoration, we implore Thee to…
Novena to the Holy Spirit – Catholic Prayers
Novena to the Holy Spirit – Catholic Prayers How Do We Pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit? this novena is a daily prayer spanning over nine days – each…
Saint Rita Novena – Patron of Impossible Causes
Saint Rita Novena – Patron of Impossible Causes Who is Saint Rita? Saint Rita of Cascia was born in Italy. She wanted to be a nun but she was encouraged…
Saint Joseph Prayer in Time of Troubles and Trials
Saint Joseph Prayer in Time of Troubles and Trials Saint Joseph’s Prayer O Saint Joseph The fathers and great teachers of the Church have testified that your intercession is absolute…