‎God Teach Me How to Follow You and Help Me Walk Your Path


‎God Teach Me How to Follow You and Help Me Walk Your Path

My beloved Lord and God, help me to walk on Your path and be guided to Your love! Lord, teach me how to follow you!

You told us in your Gospel, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” but, O Lord, I have lost the way and there is no lighter and hope! Darkness filled my life and I don’t know where to go!


My Strength Faded, and My Dreams Were Lost

I became like a dry olive tree waiting for the hand of the lumberjack to chop it! I don’t know what to do…! Guide me, O God, that an hour may not come, that I may be cut off and thrown away from You!

How I tried to follow your commandments! Although I know your Gospel and have often read your words, when I try to follow it in action and deed, my tired soul cannot carry me and fly me to the highest, because my fallen nature is taking me to dust and the lusts of this world… I cannot fly and fly to you.

My love for the world and what is in it makes me always go on sad, defeated by Satan and bodily desires, so I wear melancholy instead of joy and defeat instead of victory!

‎God Teach Me How to Follow You and Help Me Walk Your Path
‎God Teach Me How to Follow You and Help Me Walk Your Path

‎God Teach Me How

‎I want to follow you where you are because you are my purpose and my goal. Lord, teach me to follow you! Help me stand up and walk towards you! I became an empty vase without life, my branches withered, and my fruit fell, here I am naked, trembling from the cold. No one will come to me in my alienation and my unity except you, sir.

You said you were the fountain of living water and the bread of life: “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13).‎


‎My Lord

I am not able to walk alone. Be my companion, Jesus! I cannot overcome the difficulties and dangers alone, but you are my strength and my salvation! Reach out, my God, and get me out. The enemies have surrounded me, fences around me, and set my way up with traps.‎ ‎God Teach Me How

‎Don’t leave me, Lord. I often have thoughts and obsessions of failure and refraction, so I almost get lost and dropped. Be my help and joy! I am attacked by the forces of evil and darkness and by the ghosts of my past memories. Be a guide and a human being!‎

‎Enemies lurk in me to hunt me down and surround me with the many temptations of my alienation in this world. But you are my choice and my light, illuminate the light of your holy face, my life to come back and live with you. You are my first and last choice, my beloved master. Teach me how to love you! ‎(Google Translate)


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‎God Teach Me How to Follow You and Help Me Walk Your Path


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