Golden Gate Bridge A Story That Really Happened
Golden Gate Bridge A Story That Really Happened
construction of the Golden Gate Bridge at the entrance to San Francisco has been constantly disrupted for unknown reasons, and one of the vexing obstacles is human-caused.
The more construction went ahead, the workers panicked, knowing that whenever a million dollars were spent building the bridge, one of the workers would usually die. All necessary precautions were taken. The workers were given hard helmets, non-slip shoes, protective gowns for life, medical examinations, and special food to prevent the possibility of dizziness;
But all these precautions did not work, and the work was clearly hampered by the prevailing and disturbing thought: “What if you fell into the waters below and died?” In fact, many fell and died, and the number was increasing every day.
Finally, the chief engineer realized that what was frightening the workers was not the danger of falling; But it is the fear of falling itself. And therefore, he thought about whether men could be given the assurance that even if they fell from the bridge they are constructing they would not fall into the water, their fear and dread would vanish.

What if You Fell off a Bridge? (the Golden Gate Bridge)
Then the answer was to make a great network of ropes extending the length of the bridge but be prepared that such work would be funny, but the chief engineer was determined to do it.
This network cost $800,000, but it turned out to be the best insurance for businesses and workers. As soon as the network was set up, the fear of falling was completely dispelled, and the workers began to focus their thoughts on work instead of being preoccupied with the fear of falling. Taking the work done quickly and more efficiently.
Indeed, nothing has changed in the quality of the work, but the workers have found a convincing answer to the question: “What if you fall off the bridge?” We find in Christ a convincing answer to one of life’s most troubling questions: “What if I fell off the bridge of this life?”
In Christ, even if death catches us,
We will be convinced that there is beneath us the net of Christ’s love to pull us up in safety. The word of the Lord says: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying, ‘Destroy them!’” Deuteronomy 33: 27. (Google Translate)
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