Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace


Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace

Morning Prayer

My Lord Jesus, come with me, a new day has begun. You who have accepted the incarnation of infinite divine love, within the limits of family, village, and country, and in a routine human profession, come and live with me throughout this day!

Let Your presence, in my humble day, transform into a wonderful embodiment of Your great love! Come, meet those whom I meet on the roads, in the streets, and in the squares!

Come and look tenderly at every face I look at! Comeˆ and receive the safest of them! Come and listen to those who listen to them! Come and talk to whom I talk to them! Comeˆ and abide by those who are committed to them. Comeˆ and eat with those of their calves !. Come and love all who I love.

▶ Morning and Evening Prayers (Video)

Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace
Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace

Jesus, as the Father sent You, sent me today. To be Your heart and Your eyes and Your hands. Today You will also meet the rich and the poor, the children and the elderly, the healthy and the sick, and I will look at and love every human being.

Today, You also want to love, serve, forgive, heal, wash your legs, and get rid of me. I want to live today also, to the last day, and among humans. Come, Jesus, come and fill every minute, every second of this day, with Your presence. Amen.

Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace
Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace

Evening Prayer

O Lord, Your love in our souls, Your light in our conscience, and Your peace in our hearts, and in the absence of the sun of this day, be a sun for us not to be absent.

And when we fall on that night, our eyes are not sleepy and do not count on us, O Lord, our vanities. Give us a quiet night, a good sleep, an active vigil, and a morning that preaches joy through the intercession of Your mother Mary. Your glory now and forever, Amen.


Repentance Prayer

Father, I confess You to God and Creator, loving and merciful. I have given You all the things that belong to You, so that You have made me the son of Your beloved son Jesus, and You have adorned me with the garment of glory. Paternalism.

I ask You for every word and every action that Your heart has done for one of my little brothers. My God, grant me Your Holy Spirit to live and die in Your satisfaction. Amen.
By Patriarch Elias Hayek
Reference: The Book of Prayers of the Maronite Church.

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Morning and Evening Prayers to Receive Blessing and Grace

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