Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings


Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings

Thank you, Lord, forgive me for not saying ‘thank you’. When I woke up this morning! I repent to you for focusing on the things I don’t have, instead of the blessings you have given me. I want to be like the person who returned to express gratitude and thanks to you. Thank you for saving me, forgiving me, and meeting my needs every day. In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen.

Prayer for Blessing

Thank you for your great love and blessing in our lives. Thank you, Lord, for your goodness; it is endless and lasts all our lives. Forgive us for sometimes forgetting that you are intimately familiar with all our ways. And that you know our needs, and you cover us with your shield.

We ask you to immerse us today in your blessings and goodness. And may the light of your face shine upon us. To open the right doors for our lives and loved ones, close the wrong ones, and protect us from those we need to keep away from.

Prove the work of our hands to achieve all that you have given us these days. We pray that you may make our path purposeful and that our steps may be immutable from your kindness and love.

Give us a wise heart to hear your voice, make us strong, and shower us with your many graces and blessings. In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen.


Thank You Lord

Dear God, I thank you not only for your countless blessings but for the many challenges and tribulations that bring us closer to you. I thank you for the difficult moments when you gave me the strength to face adversity.

Jesus, my God, you are good and holy. No matter how strong the storms are in my life, you are my rock and my fortress. I thank you for your power that fills me, your light that surrounds me, and your love that never ends. In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen.

ˆThank you, Lord, holy and good Father, thank you to Jesus who is seated on your right and knows my heart, my struggles, and my world. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your sacrifice that saved me. Thank you for your constant presence in our world.

Thank you for your daily intercession. ′Thank you for being my Lord, my God, and my Savior. Thank you for being on the side of Father. The glorified, great, holy God, who sent Jesus as the Savior of our lives, to Him be glory, honor, worship, and prostration forever and ever, Amen.

Thank you for your grace that sets us free from all bondage and brings us into your family. Thank you for your mercy that covers all of our sins. Thank you for your faithfulness that endures forever.

Thank you for your perfect love that casts out all fear. Thank you for your abiding presence that never leaves us nor forsakes us. Thank you for your mighty power that sustains us in every situation. Thank you for your infinite wisdom that guides us in truth and righteousness. Thank you, Lord, for your great faithfulness. We thank you and praise you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings
Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings

O Holy God

How can you stand to see your only son under the weight of my sin, and all the sins I have done in my life, I place under the cross of your beloved son Jesus. Thank you for such great love and for being such a great God.

There is no one to compare to you, God. Your greatness is beyond imagination, and your love is beyond my dreams. I will live this day for your glory through Jesus, your beloved son, who bore my sin so that I could be your son. Amen.

Your love is so great and so merciful. Your grace and mercy are unfailing, and I am forever grateful. May I be a reflection of your love and grace, so that others may see your light shine through me and realize the truth of your love!

I thank you for being a God of redemption and restoration, and I pray that I can continually be reminded of your goodness and grace.

Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings
Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings

Almighty God

Thank you, Lord, for the empty tomb and the victory of Jesus over death. Just as Jesus’ death forgave my sins, his resurrection confirms my future. Thank you for the grace and glory. I want to live my life today with the power of resurrection. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Trustworthy.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your infinite wisdom that aligns my life closely with your creation. ˆThank you for the waters, the mountains, the seas, and all that your hands have made that always remind me of you.

Forgive me for overlooking Your presence in every aspect of my life, bless me, and help me to glorify Your blessed name at all times. Because you are the healer. In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen.

Thank you, Lord, for the hope and joy that come with the resurrection. May I be filled with an ever-growing faith and an eternity-focused hope? May I have the courage to stand firm in the truth of Your Word, and the strength to walk in faith and obedience?

Bless me with a joyous, thankful heart and a willingness to share the good news of the Gospel with others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Source: individual prayer (Google translation)


Thank You Lord for Your Countless Blessings


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