Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity


Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity

The Story of Returning to the Land of Sanctity

After a long exile lasting more than 17 years, I returned to my homeland, which has long been referred to as the “Land of Sanctity.” Those years were enough to gather many memories, which varied between sweet and bitter. I still recalled childhood scenes where holidays were celebrated with a communal spirit, families gathered around tables, sharing conversations and laughter.

I felt that something special was in the air of my homeland, something that connected people, uniting them under one sky, despite their diverse religions and sects. However, when I returned, I found myself confronted with a painful reality, a reality devoid of that ancient spirit.

I encountered a generation of youth lacking in human values, unaware of the meaning of sanctity, leaning towards denial and atheism. How could a generation that descends from roots rich in spirituality and principles abandon its humanity and forget its glorious history, written in the soil of this land by the blood of martyrs and saints?

Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity
Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity

Denial and Atheism: Causes and Solutions

The Concept of Denial

Denial is a state of rejecting beliefs and values, like a wall rising between a person and their faith, reflecting a deep internal division. Denial does not merely express a rejection of religion; it is also a loss of the human spirit that once manifested itself in people’s compassion and help for one another. In the “Land of Sanctity,” denial has become a concerning phenomenon, especially among young people who no longer wish to explore their spiritual identity. How did we reach this level? This question reflects a true tragedy, a tragedy of our existence as individuals and as a nation, deprived of the spiritual values that give our lives meaning.

Causes of Denial


Education is a fundamental pillar in shaping values and beliefs. However, recent years have witnessed a profound shift, where the importance of religious and ethical education in schools has diminished. Instead of guiding children towards a deep understanding of their values, the focus has shifted solely to academic education, causing them to grow up in an environment devoid of spiritual awareness. Worse still, some families consider religious education secondary, which increases the gap between generations. Education must be comprehensive, addressing all aspects of life, including spirituality, to build a balanced generation capable of facing challenges.

Educational Curricula

Some educational curricula lack spiritual depth, overlooking religious and cultural history. When students are not given the opportunity to understand their roots, they become disconnected from their values, making it easy for them to drift towards new ideas that may lead to denial. Education should serve as a bridge connecting generations to their past, not as superficial information taught without any interaction or understanding. Curricula that focus on religious and cultural history enhance identity and help students recognize their place in the world, contributing to building a cohesive and interconnected society.

Social Media

Social media is a double-edged sword. While it provides a platform for expression, it also contributes to the dissemination of ideas that may weaken faith. Today’s youth are exposed to diverse content, including denialist ideas, which makes them feel a lack of belonging. These platforms have become a conduit for opinions and ideologies that may be far removed from human and religious values, leading to widespread apathy and frustration. Using social media positively requires awareness from users, especially the youth, to discern valuable content from that which lacks merit.


Modern technology, despite its benefits, may contribute to distancing generations from human connections. Excessive use of smartphones and the internet diminishes personal interaction and weakens family bonds, fostering a generation that feels isolated from the values that were once nurtured through direct interaction. Genuine communication requires face-to-face engagement, and this is what excessive technology use deprives us of. Promoting a balance between technology and human connections is vital for preserving cultural and religious identity.

Distance from Faith and the Church

Many young people no longer practice religious rituals, and distancing from the church is a significant loss for spiritual identity. When individuals lose their connection to religious institutions, their spiritual values fade, and they feel isolated. Faith is not merely about rituals; it is an experience that nourishes the soul and connects individuals to their past. Returning to the church and participating in religious activities can help rebuild those lost connections, bringing hope back to the hearts of youth.

Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity
Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity

False Faith: More Dangerous than Atheism

Definition of False Faith

False faith is a superficial attachment to beliefs without true understanding. It is like an outer shell that conceals an inner void, creating a false impression of commitment. Those who perform rituals without deep thought are victims of a society that promotes external images of faith, distancing them from the essence and spiritual depth. This type of faith may be more dangerous than atheism, as it conveys a misleading impression of commitment while masking spiritual weakness.

Causes of False Faith

Social Pressures

Sometimes, individuals practice religious rituals under social pressure, making their faith superficial. The individual feels compelled to pretend to be faithful, yet lacks spiritual depth, revealing how social pressures can affect true values. Faith must stem from the heart and not be a response to others’ expectations. Individuals should be encouraged to explore their faith freely and profoundly.

Lack of Religious Education

As with denial, the lack of religious education contributes to the superficiality of faith. When individuals are not given a deep understanding of their religion, it becomes easy to drift away from fundamental principles. Education should serve as a means to enhance understanding, not merely as information relayed to students. Young people should learn how to apply their faith in their daily lives and express it in tangible ways.

Consumer Culture

Consumer culture prevails in our contemporary world, leading individuals to focus on materialism rather than spiritual values. Material success is seen as a measure of achievement, while the spiritual dimension is neglected. Balancing materialism and spirituality is what needs to be reinforced in our society, where we must teach young people that true values are not measured by wealth but by the level of compassion and love one shows to others.

Solutions to Overcome Denial and False Faith

Enhancing Religious Education

Families and schools must enhance religious education and teach ethical values. Introducing curricula that include religious and cultural history will help build spiritual identity. Teaching human and religious values should be an integral part of education, as it can foster understanding and awareness, leading to a balanced generation capable of facing life’s challenges.

Effective Communication

Encouraging effective communication between generations is essential. Dialogue between parents and children can contribute to strengthening spiritual values. There should be space for expressing ideas and sharing values, helping to build a deeper understanding of faith. Strengthening family and social bonds contributes to creating a healthy environment that promotes love and compassion.

Using Social Media Positively

Leveraging social media to disseminate positive content that enhances religious and human values is crucial. Platforms can be used as a means to raise awareness among young people about the importance of faith and its values. The presence of influential figures expressing their faith authentically will have a significant impact. Young people should be encouraged to use these platforms to connect with others and share their religious experiences positively.

Returning to Roots

Encouraging youth to return to their religious and cultural roots through social and religious events strengthens family and social ties. When young people feel they are part of a religious community, they become more connected to their values. Returning to roots means rediscovering the identity that gives life depth and meaning.

Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity
Rejection in Our Time: Loss of Spiritual Values and Identity


In the end, we must remember that the homeland known as the “Land of Sanctity” carries within it a rich history of faith and humanity. The challenges it faces today require all of us to work together to restore the spirit of this land. By enhancing spiritual values, providing quality education, and strengthening family ties, we can rebuild a society that takes pride in its faith and cultural heritage.

Each of us carries a part of this responsibility, and let us prepare together to build a bright future that reflects our true values. Let us be ready to be a voice for humanity, making our homeland a place that celebrates the spiritual and moral values that illuminate the paths of future generations.

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