Thanksgiving Prayer to God at Trials and Tribulations Time


Thanksgiving Prayer to God at Trials and Tribulations Time

We face difficulties and trials daily because our enemy, Satan, does not get tired or sleep, he will fight us until the last moment of our lives! Therefore, we must fortify ourselves in prayer and carry the sword of the word to fight with it the enemy of goodness, the devil, and every evil spirit that stands in our way.

Pray a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord to raise you above the waters of the world and save you from the traps and snares of the devil.

Let’s Pray

You, Lord, are my leader, you are my savior, you are my refuge, you are my fortress, you are everything to me inside and out, dwell in my inner human being and surround me like a garment, there is no fading, you fill me, you are, all in all, you are my root, my food, my drink, my life, a wild God able to turn love to heaven itself, and send your angels to shut the mouths of lions.

Look, my Lord, and look with your eyes, which are Your mercy and grace, which are Your love and care, upon Your poor servant who is looking forward to knowing You.

Do not hide your face from me, do not forsake me, O God of my salvation, shine the splendor of your face within me, and with your great mercies within me, and do not allow me to die the death of sin. See.

O Lord, hearken, O Lord, enlighten, O Lord, be saved, O Lord, lest the enemy of good say that he has prevailed over me. I trust in you, I will not be ashamed. I praise your name, O benefactor to me, and I sing to your name, O Most High.

Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy
Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy

Thanksgiving Prayer

Thank You, Lord, for always being on your mind and sending me momentary afflictions to touch your love and concern. I thank you that you do not allow me to taste experiences except to the extent that you grant me your support and grace, and teach me.

O Lord, to make sure that you do not give your talents except through experience, and you have determined the rank of talents with the same level of experience, according to your wisdom, it cannot be investigated and that I am unable to realize and reach because it is not described.

I beg you, my God, to deliver me from my hardships and tribulations, as You saved Joseph the Righteous in the land of Egypt, and as You preserved Daniel in the den of lions, and as You delivered the three young men from the furnace of fire.

Support me, O Lord, in my sojourn, who exalted and strengthened your martyrs and saints, so that they may cross the valley of tears and reach your eternal abode.  With your strength and you alone, I can overcome the temptation.

O Lord, I am sure that when you try me,

You will purify me, and that the temptation does not come until after I accept myself in secret, a power that exceeds its ability, and obtain the grace of your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and through which alone I endure the rod of temptation, and with it, I ask that you increase your protection and protection, to see your wonders and that you have magnified me more than many. Thanksgiving Prayers to God at Trials and Tribulations Time

And you gave me to know your marvelous powers, and that these cords of trials are a sign that I am dear to you, and that you did not want to leave me without hardships so that you might keep my soul intact by your proximity. Prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord

It is not by my own strength, but by yours alone that I can overcome temptation with your help, and it is not in my ability to jump fences and break out of the snare. Do not allow me, O Lord, to prefer comfort and amusement, and it is difficult to accept the temporary difficulties that befall me until I share the cup of Your Christ, for Your wisdom.

O Lord is beyond imagination and imagination

Your knowledge, O God, has no beginning and no end, and Your judgments, O my God, are true and faithful in all that You have judged and in all that You have promised.

Make me catch it, catch me alive. As for your ways, O Lord, I am far from the investigation, and they are difficult to examine, and there is no one who knows your mind or who becomes your counselor, grant me to accept my portion as you have divided me, O God, so that I may not be shaken, guarding your spirit, hidden by your pure blood, knowing that this time is missing time. (Google Translate)

Source: A letter to every distressed soul book by Father Athanasius Fahmy George

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Thanksgiving Prayer to God at Trials and Tribulations Time

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