We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma)


We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma)

Muslims We

Isn’t it shameful, after 1400 years of immigration, that we need a crutch to lean on the foolishness of our elders after they made us a farce for the world? Yes, a farce and a stage for ridicule.

We have to rise, then, so that we do not see the muftis as adults. They have changed us, so in Syria, we know nothing about each other except that we are alive. O Al-Qaradawi and the cockroach, who made the caricature of our Prophet hurt our feelings and incite us to kill others more than the image of slaughter under the slogan “God is Greatest.”

We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma)
We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma)

We are at the Bottom

The most difficult thing to say to anyone is that you are an atheist. O Ibn Sina, you are an atheist!!! We, the hypocrites, are in the lowest rank after our Prophet abdicated and ordered the killing of the gizzard (Hardoon), claiming that she was an infidel and an atheist because she blew fire on Ibrahim in the desert.

The prophet Muhammed poured most of his attention on the Hardoon!!! Indeed, we cannot in Syria go back to the past, but we can start from now and put the end of Islam in our own hands. Here the opposition has proven in Syria and the Arab countries and in all parts of the world that there is no God… the absence of a Creator.

The killing, slaughter, cutting off limbs, and burning of human beings by our Islam has proven to the world that there is no Creator for one simple reason. He does not care. Do what you want, for I do not care. It is your luck that I do not exist, said the Creator.

Sorry, beloved Christians. Your belief is one of the unquestionable beliefs because it does not call for the slaughter of those who do not embrace it. Islam in Iraq. Massacres will not end. Islam in Sudan divided it north and south, and in Palestine, it was Fatah and Hamas, and in my country, there are Sunni Takfiri and Alawi infidels, etc.

The first astronaut to fly on amount

(And if we wanted to destroy a nation, we commanded its affluent, but they became immoral in it, so we destroyed it completely.)

The god of our hateful prophet must be brought to the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide!! I, Wafaa Salma, call upon international humanitarian organizations to award Muhammad bin Abdullah the Golden Space Medal for being the first astronaut to fly on an animal to the seventh heaven to meet God, based on the miracle of the Night Journey and Ascension. Gibran was right when he said:

O Muslims, stop defending God by killing humans and defending human beings so that they can recognize God. Will our Prophet, the Prophet of Islam, stand tall, proud, and rejoice at the heads we Muslims cut off, or will he commit suicide at the scene of slaughter and filth and shout, “We are the dirtiest nation brought out to the world?”

Source: Voice of Reason Organization
– Writer Wafaa Salma
Article Category: Criticism
– Article date: 10-24-2013

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We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma)


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