
Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You


Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You

You are My Life

You are my creator, you are my light, you are my guide, you are my fortress and my existence. Have mercy on me and raise me up. You′ are the breath of my life. It is fitting for us to remember God more than the breath we breathe. Holy, Holy, Holy, my Lord Jesus Christ the Redeemer, you loved me despite my death in sins and sins, and you became a curse to me on the cross. Aren’t you the one who said: “I erased your sins like a cloud?”

Will you leave me to your family when I have paid the most expensive price for my salvation? Holy are you, my Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior. I have come to redeem what has perished, and I am the first to perish. redeem me Holy are you, my dear Lord Jesus Christ.

You said: “He who comes to me, I will not cast him out.” Help me to come to you, and do not cast me out.” Do not say that I have fulfilled the commandments and have not found the Lord, because he who seeks him in truth will find peace.

Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You
Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You

Holy are You

My Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful. You said: “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” And I am the worst of sinners, have pity on me, have mercy on me, and help me to repent because I cannot of myself.

Holy are you, my Lord Jesus Christ, the giver of life. You said: “He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and he who is alive will not die forever.” I believe in you, so fulfill your promises to me. Holy are you, my Lord Jesus Christ the Healer. I am in frightening loneliness, and I have no one to throw me into the blessing while you are looking for the paralytic.

So help me, because you are the doctor, and no other doctor gives the fainted power, and the powerless are more severely. Holy are you, my soothing Lord Jesus Christ, I am troubled because my ship is tormented in the raging sea of ​​the world. May I hear your encouraging and soothing voice, “I am he. Do not be afraid.”


Holy are you, my Lord Jesus Christ

Do not reject me in the age of old age, and do not leave me when my strength is exhausted. You said: “To old age I am, and to old age I carry, I have done, and I am lifted up, I carry and deliver me.”. I’m tired and broken, and I have no one but you, so pull me because you said:

“In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Holy are you, my Lord Jesus Christ, the Comforter. The world has narrowed me down, so I turned away from people and asked for a place to cry. I found nothing but more tears and weeping, but without hope. Holy are you, my Lord Jesus Christ, companion.

My guts mourned for the departed family and loved ones and asked for a place “to weep, but I increased bitterness and suffering and no hope of meeting, so be with me and do not leave me because you said: “Here I am with you always.” I am distressed by you, who says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives I give to you.”

Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You
Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You

Grant me your complete peace and strengthen my faith. You are the God of the impossible. You are the one who says: I am the resurrection and the life. So now, my master, in your hands I entrust my soul and body. If I live, help me to live for you. (Google Translate)


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Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You

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