Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother


Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother

The Story of the Boys, Pierre and Tony

The boys Pierre and Tony grew up in a humble, peaceful family. To the joy of their parents, Pierre and Tony were not only brothers but were each other’s best friends. Unfortunately, peace and comfort did not last long in that family, as signs of weakness and illness appeared on little Tony’s body.

After many medical consultations, it was found that the little boy, Tony, had a terminal illness, which, if not given strong treatment, would lead to his death, followed by a blood transfusion.

Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother
Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother

Preparing for Treatment

Tony’s parents gave the order to the Lord to pray, while the doctors were busy, preparing for treatment, and searching for a suitable person, to donate his blood for this little boy.

A few weeks later, the doctors found that the only person whose blood characteristics matched Tony’s was his brother, Pierre. Time was passing quickly, Tony was getting weaker day by day, and treatment and blood transfusions had to be done.

That father took his son Pierre on his lap, and looked at him with tears in his eyes, then asked him: Pierre, do you want your brother to be cured? ‘Yes, Papa,’ answered the boy, ‘I want,’ with tears of love in his eyes. The father continued his speech by saying:

If he asks for your brother to be cured, to give him your blood, will you accept it? The boy snorted and asked his father: Is there no other way, father? The father answered, No, my son… Only your blood can heal your brother. Pierre replied,” If I accept, Papa, I am ready.

The neonates were admitted to the hospital, and doctors began the treatment, followed by blood transfusions. The two brothers were sleeping in two adjacent beds, while one gave his blood to the other.

Pierre was looking at his brother as if for the last time. After a moment, Pierre closed his eyes, then asked the doctor: ‘Are we almost done? The doctor answered him ‘almost’.

Pierre continued, saying, ‘When will I die? Would that be too painful?’ The doctor was astonished and replied, ‘Why do you say you will die, Pierre?! Isn’t that the goal of the operation? To give my blood so that my brother may live? Oh, for the love of this little boy! Pierre was ready to pay with his life for his brother to live. It is the highest kind of love, life for the sake of life.

Story Summary

Brother and sister, on a Thursday, two thousand years ago, after supper, the Lord Jesus said to his loved ones: ‘No one has greater love than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.’ That was Jesus’ last night, before the death of the cross. That night, Jesus gave himself up to death. The bar is for sinners.

You might think that Christ’s death was the result of a heinous plot. Not like that. You might think that the purpose of Christ’s coming to the world is the Sermon on the Mount, sayings of wisdom, and a call to love and forgiveness. Not like that. You might think that the Lord Jesus was forced to die. Not like that.

The Bible mentions: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all stand before God, sinners. ′We have sinned against Him in thought, word, and deed. We stand before him, unable to justify ourselves. For how can a sinful person be justified before the Holy God, or what shall a person give in exchange for his soul?

Because the wages of sin is death. Christ died for me and for you, loving me and you. It is a life for a life. The Lord Jesus died on the cross, paying the price for my sins and yours, so that, if we believe in His death, we may have forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Because God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish, but have eternal life. It is the greatest and most beautiful form of love, that the righteous Lord Jesus gave his life on the cross for your life.

The bar is for the unrighteous. Holy for sinners. He invites you today, to believe in Him, to receive forgiveness of your sins and eternal life. Did you believe in the Lord’s love for you on the cross? Do you have eternal life?

Source: Christian short stories book

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Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother

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