24 Traditional Resurrection Hymn Powerful Worship


24 Traditional Resurrection Hymn Powerful Worship

we wish everyone a glorious Easter and a blessed resurrection, so that the Lord of glory reigns over our hearts and our lives, and grants us, by the secret of his holy cross, victory over our trials, aches, our falls, and our diseases, and loosens the chains, liberates souls and helps His holy Church, and leads it to unity and steadfastness in this world full of pain, aches, wars, and disasters.

With his glorious resurrection and his victory over death in his holy and blessed name, we ask for peace for all nations, especially for our Christian people in the Arab world, who are being fought by evil armies and persecuted by his church and the believers in his holy name.


We Pray

Asking the risen Lord Jesus to raise with him mortal souls, stony hearts, closed minds, and suicidal consciences. We also pray to give safety and protection to our Christian people in this East, which has become a haven for violence, terrorism, and murder. Grant us, O Lord, victory over our weak selves.

24 Traditional Resurrection Hymn Powerful Worship
24 Traditional Resurrection Hymn Powerful Worship

Powerful Resurrection Hymn


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24 Traditional Resurrection Hymn Powerful Worship


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